Industry VoicesAdministration

ILE furniture boosts staff wellbeing at Auckland primary school

Stephen King, principal at Remuera Primary School, spoke exclusively with School News about his ILE journey.

Envied by parents, relished by teachers, staff and students, the new furniture has significantly enhanced wellbeing at Remuera Primary, according to the principal. He liaised with Distinction Furniture’s Suzanne to design and create the new-look-and-feel space.

“The building was new and it was our school’s first genuine exposure to innovative learning spaces.  So, getting the furniture right was very important.  Important in terms of meeting the needs of the learners, and equally important for our teachers.

“Distinction Furniture were involved in the design process right from the start.  Suzanne, was incredibly helpful in working with our staff and assisting them in understanding the specific nuances of the furniture.  Suzanne’s attention to detail and ability to assist our staff in seeing the big picture, has significantly enhanced the overall look and feel of our new space.”

We asked Steve what his staff likes best about the new ILE furnishings. He said: “In terms of the ILE, it is difficult to identify one piece, as it is the overall space that impresses most.  However, in the staffroom, the nooks that have been created with the use of sofas and also high tables, has added greatly to the ambiance of the Staffroom.  Staff love the variety of furniture and the options they have. 

“Parents have responded positively to the new furniture in the ILE.  They love the variety, bright colours and choices that their children have.  Many have said, they would have loved to have learned in this kind of space.

“The staffroom refurb has significantly enhanced the wellbeing of our staff.”


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