
Full-day strike vote scheduled for August

What will you decide? NZEI Te Riu Roa teacher and principal members are to vote on whether to strike for a full day on August 15.

The union’s National Executive on Friday approved a secret online ballot of members to vote on the issue.

“Over the past few weeks, members have told us of their resolve to send the strongest possible message to the Government about the crisis facing schools. We have listened to members and will now ask them to vote by secret ballot to extend the proposed three-hour strike to a full day,” said NZEI Te Riu Roa President Lynda Stuart.

“It is obvious that teachers are committed to working for change to ensure all children get quality teaching and learning. They are saying that it’s time for them to be valued for the professionals they are, that we need to attract and retain teachers, have more time to teach and to have truly inclusive schools where all children can learn and thrive.”

The ballot will run for a week from today – Wednesday 25 July.

School News

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